Enjoy taking photographs? Well, you might be considering to take your love of photography to the online world and establish a beautiful photography portfolio website that showcases your skills and expertise. However, in today’s highly competitive photography market, it is not only difficult to stand out but also to promote it among your targeted audience and yield the expected results.

But of course, there is always a way out. Understanding how to market and promote your photography website can be a great way to generate profit from your passion. Whether you have just hit the market or have been around for quite some time, this blog post definitely has something that will help you improve your website traffic and marketing efforts.


1. Make it Mobile

When you read the statistics of many popular websites, you would realize one thing – almost 35% of their visitors are driven from mobile or smartphones. And these numbers are growing every single day. So does your website support mobile compatibility? Does it load within 5 seconds on their smartphones? Does it offer amazing user experience from the phone? Can your visitors easily navigate to the information they are looking for? If not, it’s high time you consider redesigning your website and make it mobile friendly.

2. Build a blog

Of course, maintaining a blog takes a hell lot of work and time but trust me it’s worth it. When it comes to the online world, having a well-maintained blog really pays off as it gets users coming back. As a matter of fact, a majority of photographers portfolio gets updated every once in a while. So how do you intend to attract repeat visitors on your website if you scarcely update your site?

This is where blogging can help. It insists you to update your website’s content every now and then and captures the attention of your visitors. Bring a photographer, you get to dabble in everything even though you focus on a particular type of photography. Having a blog allows you to get involved in your work and grow your business significantly. Blogs have the potential to add personality to your site and help you connect with your audience.


3. Only Use your best photos

Whether you are creating a photography website to attract clients or sell prints, you need to ensure you leave a first good impression on your visitors. And to do so, make sure you use only high quality and your best photographs on your website to show your potential clients that you are really good at what you do.

Also, you need to maintain a balance between the number of photos you use on your site and the white space you leave around or between them. If there are too many photos on one page, try creating pages to separate them.


4. Use Google Analytics to understand your audience

There are tons of things to take care when you set up a website and monitoring your website performance and targeted audience is one of them.

Let’s picture it this way, you establish a website, add tons of quality photos, build a blog and you are all set to draw a number of clients. Right? Wrong!

5. Writing a brief and concise ‘about’ page

The most frustrating thing about browsing a photographer’s portfolio website is having to read his/her 3 pages of ‘about’ page. The website you have set up is supposed to introduce you as a professional photographer and not as a personal individual. No potential client would be interested in reading what’s your favorite dish or ice cream or that you like long walks on the beaches. What they care about is your skills and expertise that make you stand out from your competitors and how you can help them as a photographer. Thus, keep the about page brief, clear and concise incorporating a little information about your work background and professionalism.

How would you know what kind of visitors you are drawing in?

Well, as a website owner, you need to see what type of visitors are landing on your website and what they are doing on it. Are they able to find what they are looking for? And if not, why? Adding a monitoring tool like Google Analytics helps you understand your audience as well as website performance. Google Analytics provides real-time visitor tracking, insights into visitors, customizable reports and so much more. Moreover, it’s free and extremely easy to use. It can help you take your photography website to a next level.

The final words:

Regardless of the goals you’ve set for your website establishments, massive traffic has the ability to sell and engage. Without visitors, a website is nothing but an empty white page. Use the above smart tactics tot improve your website’s traffic is a great way to attain tons of goals.