About Kimberly Clark

Kimberly Clark is a Content Strategist who enjoys helping clients navigate through web design in Louisville and beyond.  From planning to ongoing content strategies, she has a deep understanding of the tools of the trade like social media and SEO.  Kimberly is also a data fiend and uses it to develop unique, original and interesting web content that keeps visitors engaged and interacting. She works at: www.VIAStudio.com

5 Essential WordPress Widgets and Plugins That Every Small Business Needs

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If you own a small business and have dealt with online marketing tools in the past, then you are probably very familiar with several of the plugins and widgets that are available to help make your blog or website gain more hits each day.

What Makes A Web Design Start-Up Successful In 2012

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Web Design has become one of the most popular and therefore competitive businesses to start up. Many young independent designers find themselves running their own business within the first year of freelancing without knowing much about how to run a successful business. Below are a few suggestions to get you up and running like a pro.

Top 10 Blogs for Design Inspiration 2011

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Web developers have a wide variety of choices when looking for inspiration. One valuable, and “with the trend” source of ideas and how-to knowledge for website design, is a blog. This article is going to talk about ten great web design blogs that can be used to help a web designer come up with new ideas and make their own website even better.

How to Take Great Pictures at Night

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Taking photos can be a great way to keep your memories fresh. But what about those night memories, how come those pictures always come out too dark or blurry? There are some simple ways of making sure your night photos come out clearer than your memories!

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