Top 20 Best Hand Drawn Fonts

Articles, Fonts / Typography, Guest Post|

One of the most trending fonts in the market are the hand drawn ones. They add an edge to the content by being explicitly different from the other fonts available in the market. They are extremely useful for a writer since, they can be custom made to suit your own handwriting which gives an authentic touch to the content. The ability to customize the content font sets the handwriting fonts apart from the others available in the market. The fonts available in MS Word and other Window platforms induce a monotonous approach to the content, whereas hand-drawn fonts appeal to most of the readers.

Amazing Optical Illusion Art Drawings by Rob Gonsalves

Articles, Inspiration, Painting|

These are some of the most amazing artwork that I have ever seen. They are drawing art illusion by an artist called Rob Gonsalves is a Canadian painter "magic realism"

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