The Color Blue in Web Design

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Blue is a calming colour that is associated with terms like peace, truth, honesty, stability, confidence and wisdom. It is often found in nature as it’s the color of the sky, sea and mountains. And what about web design? Why do we see so many blue websites in different niches?

How to Design Effective Infographics?

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Have you ever stood by a bus stop or a train station and noticed a gigantic animated photo or a couple of words that captured your thought immediately? Or those attention-grabbing diagrams and pictures that look like the animated counterpart of your third grade lesson in bar graphs and pie charts that are used commonly by newscasters to convey some information about the debt of your country that no matter how boring it is, it just seems more interesting to tune in and stay on the channel because of those cute little colors buttons that have a life of their own? These things are called "infographics", graphic visuals or information graphics. "Infographics" aim to convey information to readers at a glance or with lesser time needed to read a short article. In other words, these "infographics" are simple representations of data or information, usually statistical information

How To Use Infographics To Promote Your Blog

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Infographics or information graphics are used to represent data or information in the form of graphics. Usually complex information like a metro rail map, poll statistics, and others is represented in the form of graphics. Infographics are an easy way to visualize any concept or complex information. Using infographics is a great way to present data to your readers in an interesting and attractive format.

Google – I Will Not play by Your Rules

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“If you go against Google, you go against God” – this was a piece of advice I received from my fellow marketers when I was using my rhetoric on them, quite vainly though and asking them to join the Crusade against Google. But somehow because of some noises in the background (at least this is what I think so), the entire argument was lost on them. In fact, it is unnerving to see that everyone around is spinelessly accepting whatever Google is rolling out. Rather than putting a brave face, most of internet marketers shamelessly advocate whatever Google is saying, disregarding the obvious fact that Google is just trying to increase its profit and wants to be the big brother of the Web by unashamedly promoting its own service.

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