Guest Post | Tutorial – using the dodge tool to improving a model’s eye catchlights.

Articles, Guest Post, Tip and Tutor|

a tutorial about improving a model's eye and replacing the catchlights.

Inspirations: Bokeh in Portrait Photography

Articles, Inspiration, Photography, Tip and Tutor|

27 Inspirations Bokeh in potrait photography. Bokeh in photography referring the area in the picture which are out of focus light to increase beautiful and dramatic image.

14 Free Stone Textures of December

Articles, Freebies, Photography, Textures|

In this December I have compiled 14 stones (brick, stone wall, marble, gravel)

Free Textures of November: Woven Pandanus, Fiber, Scribbles Pastel

Articles, Freebies, Photography, Textures|

Right now I'm sharing 8 free textures, 2 Pandanus woven textures which is actually a wrapper lunkhead an authentic Indonesian food, 3 fiber textures , 3 Scribbles Pastel textures an artwork my daughter

Free 6 Grass Textures

Articles, Freebies, Photography, Textures|

6 Grass textures which image size; 2 dry grass are 2304 x 1728px, and 4 wet grass are 1600 x 1200 px which are you can download for free.

30 Examples and How to Photograph Silhouettes

Articles, Inspiration, Photography, Tip and Tutor|

Silhouettes are a wonderful way to convey drama, mystery, emotion and mood to the viewers of your photos and often stand out in an album because of the combination of their simplicity but also the story that they convey.

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