If you have passion for nature photography, you will find a treasure trove of opportunity in the rainforests. Irrespective of whether you are a seasoned photographer or an amateur, the thick canopy and the flora and the fauna present a plethora of photographic opportunities. And an Online Printing Company is great idea to print your photograph’s even print unique postcard with your own photos. The abundance of subjects can be overwhelming and sometimes unsettling, often testing your alertness and ability to focus on the subject. Rainforest photography demands less of your preparedness with equipment but more of your understanding and sensitivity to nature. As far as equipment goes, a tripod, and a camera that allows you to adjust the shutter speed and aperture would cut the mustard for any photographer worth his salt.


The challenges in nature photography may not be overtly evident as it takes more than just a route plan and your equipment to ensure a rich photography experience. If you have a keen eye and cool mind, you need only remember a few tips that can help you along the way, as you go ‘click-happy’ in the rainforests.

1. Choosing your subjects

The rainforest is abundant with life, both animate and inanimate. There are subjects galore – trees, the rocks, insects, birds and some wayward animals that may cross your path. Choose a subject that catches your eye – like a domineering tee, a tranquil waterfall against a rocky riverbed, or a marvelously red lorikeet perched on a branch – and focus on it. If it is the insects or the birds that you are interested in, make sure you get some macro shots.

2. Know the natural light

As a general rule in outdoor photography, the best time to shoot is either the early morning or the late afternoon. The light cast gentle shadows that allows you to get a better shot of the subject. Cloudy conditions are also preferred as the lights are more even than when it is a clear sky. Avoid taking photos when it is bright and sunny, as the light comes through the canopy unevenly, creating long shadows. The shadows do not allow the subject to be exposed in even light, making it difficult to get it in focus. Adjust the ISO of you camera to a higher setting and increase the aperture to make better use of the available light.


3. Carry a tripod

The low and hazy light conditions will force you to use slow shutter speed often blurring up your photos. You can ensure sharp and crisp images when you shoot with a tripod. You can find a collapsible tripod that can fit into your backpack and small enough and convenient to carry around or travel with.

4. Use wide-angle lens

Wide-angle lens add depth to your photos, rendering it a three-dimensional perspective. Viewers of your photo can get a sense of depth as the background and the foreground both stay in focus when you use wide-angle lenses.

5. Stay alert

Stay on your toes all the time, as a sudden downpour can catch you unawares, and spoil your camera or drench you before you can run for cover. If you have a water-proof cover for your camera, you can still manage to get some amazing shots of the rain, like the dew on the leaves. There are plenty of animals everywhere, so stay alert so you can take evasive action in an unlikely case of an attack.


6. Be patient

Develop a sense of patience. Patience is the most important attribute of a wild life photographer. The rustling of dead leaves caused by your footsteps, or a sudden movement is enough to unsettle an animal and devoid you of what would otherwise have been a splendid shot. Wait patiently and stay still for that right moment to get the best shot.

7. Forget the flash

Using the flash of your camera makes the rainforest photography lose its natural softness. Photography comes alive in natural light and that is the most endearing facts of nature photography. It is, therefore, recommended that you forget about the flash when you venture out into the rainforests.

8. Know your route

Carry a route map! as any no-nonsense photographer will tell you, but it also important to get yourself accustomed to the ways of the jungle and memorize the routes that you take as your head deeper into the forest.

It is quite possible that your photos end up with distractions. While they could do with a last minute touch-up or editing before they can be made public, getting a professional photo editor or an image editing outsourcing agency to edit your photos can add an amazing quality shine to your rainforest photography.