Five Inspirational Books Designers Should Read

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Inspiration, that crucial spark that works as the catalyst for creativity, is a difficult thing to pin down. And if you could bottle it, you would be on track for making a fortune. Inspiration, or the lack of, is what every creative person fears the most. It’s the reason why writers can sit staring at a blank page, pen poised, for hours. It’s the bottleneck that can cause designers to bash their heads on keyboards in despair. But when it flows, there’s no stopping it. Inspiration is impossible to fake and can sometimes come from the strangest of sources – not always visual.

Framing in Photography | 39 Examples of Gorgeous and Inspirational Photos

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One creative way to generate an attractive picture is the frame, but the frame here is not framed in terms of physically real. The frame here is part of the picture which refers to techniques that make your image's objects acts as frame for your photo subject. With the aim of this technique can be directs and drawing attention, focused attention to the subject of your photo, even create a perspective and also add depth.

37 Inspirational Designs of Photography Business Cards

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A professional photographer whose profession is always in touch with many people and covering a variety of events and activities require an effective business card which because they can create a client at work. With this they have an excellent opportunity to spread about the business and the professions they are incredible. Effective business cards need to attract the attention of the recipient can assist the photographer in which people will remember you and your profession.

Mobile Web Design and Viewers’ Marketing Behavior

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There are major differences between the effect of mobile device layouts and websites on viewer’s decisions. Studies show when the design and layout of the mobile devices follow proper rules, sales or call to action ratios increase compared to the desktop versions of the same service.

Tips for taking photos in the rainforest

Articles, Guest Post, Inspiration, Photography, Tip and Tutor|

The challenges in nature photography may not be overtly evident as it takes more than just a route plan and your equipment to ensure a rich photography experience. If you have a keen eye and cool mind, you need only remember a few tips that can help you along the way, as you go 'click-happy' in the rainforests.

20 Artistic and Captivating Book Cover Designs for Your Reading Pleasure

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Book covers are important in building the character and overall package of the items. The design can convince bookworms or fans to grab their own copy and learn what it has for them. This is why authors and artists would oftentimes collaborate to make a bestseller.

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