How to Take Great Pictures at Night

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Taking photos can be a great way to keep your memories fresh. But what about those night memories, how come those pictures always come out too dark or blurry? There are some simple ways of making sure your night photos come out clearer than your memories!

37 Cool And Interesting Shots of Over-Underwater Photography

Articles, Inspiration, Photography|

Over-under photography or known also as splits overwater and underwater, are half of photos above water and half under water. You can find 37 inspirating photograph of over-underwater photography in this post

A Mixture of Creative and Timeless Postcard Photographs

Articles, Guest Post, Inspiration, Photography, Prints|

Any simple photograph can already express the deepest meaning that it possesses. Now, modern photography and designing have added innovative touch to postcards. You can be amazed on how these artful conceptions transcended the image of postcards.

A Basic Guide to Underwater Photography

Articles, Guest Post, Photography, Tip and Tutor|

Underwater photography can be highly rewarding and provides even complete beginners with the opportunity to capture some remarkable shots. But in order to make the most of these unique photo opportunities and take the perfect underwater picture, it’s essential to understand how underwater photography differs from its dry land counterpart.

Wonderful Photographs of Indonesia #1

Articles, Inspiration, Photography|

Variety of natural beauty and panoramic views can be found in Indonesia. In this post I want to present the photographs set of Indonesia from the work of great photographers.

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