How to Turn Your Artwork Into Collectible Stickers

Articles, Prints|

Have you ever seen a pack of collectible stickers? Usually, they're all on a single sheet, plastered together. You might've thought it would be cool to create your own. But, you may not have realized how easy it was. Today, anyone can create their own collectible stickers, especially if they're an artist. Creating your own stickers is relatively straightforward. Here are a few steps to help you create yours.

16 Hottest Print Design Trends of 2019 Uncovered

Articles, Guest Post, Painting, Prints, Tip and Tutor|

Print design is an ever-changing phenomenon, but new designs don’t just stem out of nowhere; they emerge through a combination, or let’s say, a de-combination of existing trends. So which design trends are gaining popularity in 2019? Plenty of amazing print trends featuring bright colors, eclectic patterns and quirky fonts are making the cut. Experts at our Printing Company Toronto believe that the following print design trends will have the most significant impact. Stretched and Warped Type Do you prefer tuck typography, right to the corner of the design, or do you prefer centered typography, with [...]

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