Taking a minimalistic approach to web design and how it can be done right

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Taking a minimalistic approach to web design and how it can be done right; and how it can be done very wrong Minimalistic design was popularized in the 1950's. Since then it has made its way into nearly every visual media imaginable. With the proliferation of mobile browsing and the sheer clutter of many Internet designs, minimalism has taken root in the web design industry as well.

Why META Tags Matter in WordPress

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You know what META tags are, and you’ve probably seen them scattered about, whether on a WordPress blog (some webmasters don’t mind posting the words) as well as the empty fields within WordPress that ask you for META tags. Years ago, (and still today) META tags were introduced for HTML programming, and were inserted in the heading of an HTML document. These META tags told the Internet search bots what the site was about, along with a page title, description and heading text.

Top 7 Best Useful Tips For Infographics About HTML5

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If you are on the lookout for resources that are easily comprehensible and want your clients to learn about the functionality HTML5 web technology in an interesting way, then these variety of info graphics are precisely what you need! HTML5 is creating huge waves and is causing a metamorphosis in the web and mobile world. So educate your clients with these top7 info graphics that will give you all the facts and figures without the techie jargon.

The Color Blue in Web Design

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Blue is a calming colour that is associated with terms like peace, truth, honesty, stability, confidence and wisdom. It is often found in nature as it’s the color of the sky, sea and mountains. And what about web design? Why do we see so many blue websites in different niches?

4 Custom Web Design Myths To Avoid While Designing A Website

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A good design plays a significant role in making a website successful. However, designers often fall for some common myths associated with web design which may mar all their efforts. Let us look at some of the web design myths which they must do away with.

Can Website Design Affect Human Behavior?

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To define human psychology in a perennial manner, it is actually a study of human behavior either scientifically or clinically, also the concept of psychology is much complex than you think it is! Man being a mortal is affected by each and very aspects present in the environment, technology being one of them.

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